Friday, 7 November 2014

10 Best Doggy Balloon Sculptures

Balloon Sculpting is great fun. With a few strands of balloons, and a little bit of patience, you can find yourself making many exciting pieces of art, though sometimes the process involves popping one or two balloons. The very first balloon sculptures people usually learn is the very basic balloon dog or many so call it the poodle, sculpted from only a single strand of balloon.

Many people do not realize that balloon sculpting artists has throughout the years improved in terms of technique as well as creativity. The balloon dog has been known to be the simplest of balloon sculptures. Thus, we would like to share with you some of the more amazing balloon dog sculptures.

This Cartoon Dog


This cute puppy Made from Qualatex balloons.

This white Jack Russel Terrier.

This Rottweiler that isn't fierce at all.

This balloon Schnauzer on a balloon cake.

This Poodle!

Scooby Doo!

This Hush puppy

This Pug

Lastly, this Balloon Hot Dog!

Now hold your horses! If you would like to learn how to make these amazing balloon sculptures. Perhaps you should first start with the basic balloon poodle. Engage a balloon sculpting instructor? or just leave it to the professional balloon sculptors.

Check out balloon animals on youtube, for tutorials on simple balloon animals. Anything can be make from balloons. Enjoy!

Till next time!

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